
Our unique in-house training programme, The Frontline Way, ensures that all team members are trained to the same expert standard of customer service, call response and call handling. It is the Frontline Way to ensure a caller always feels helped, looked after and valued.

Throughout their Careers with us, We train our Frontline Operators to be:


The Frontline way Delivers best Practice in the Following Areas:

  • Listening: one of the most important skills for a telephone operator, and one of the major elements of our training
  • Speaking: tone, language, first impressions, empathy, sincerity, use of positive phrases, help and explanations
  • Reading: attention to detail
  • Writing: noting information, spelling and grammar, considering the reader, clarity and conciseness.

The Frontline Way is based on our unique monitoring system which addresses seven key areas of telephone answering and call handling, including:

  1. Greeting
  2. Call Control
  3. Telephone Manner
  4. Listening/Questioning Skills
  5. Call Closing
  6. Call Details
  7. Further Actions

We also offer our training programme to our customers as a tailored Frontline Academy service, to ensure that their customer-facing staff operate to the highest standards of customer service and care. For more information about The Frontline Academy and how it can help your business, please contact David Jones on +441489866630 or


1 Acorn Business Park, Northarbour Rd,
Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 3TH

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