Call handling is important for a brand so it’s essential to consider how a customer feels after each of these experiences. Everything from, tone, to upselling and etiquette can be critical in representing your business values.

What’s in a word

It’s incredible what effect language can have on our experience on the phone. There are words and phrases that can be used to make a caller feel reassured and valued. There are also ways to deal with angry customers and techniques in phrasing the right questions to get the most from a sales call. But there are also some incredibly irritating words that don’t just get overused in call centres, but have crept in to general conversation.

Offending words and phrases

Top of this list is “obviously”. The dictionary defines this as meaning “in a way that is easily perceived or understood; clearly.” Generally, when a client has called it’s because it is not in fact obvious.

“Basically” is another offender. Once again considering its actual definition: “in the most essential respects; fundamentally.” can anyone honestly say that they have heard “basically” used in the right context?

“Like” Do we really need to say anything here?

To be fair” as opposed to what? Grossly unfair or unjust? Not a helpful phrase at all.

Good call

Possibly we talk less about these types of calls because if all our needs have been met then we don’t tend to give them a second thought.


The representative doesn’t have the answer, but they give you their name, their direct dial and give you a realistic timeframe for a call back with either an update or resolution. People will respect someone calling back to say that they don’t have the answer, but that client has not been forgotten. There’s rapport and warmth, they listen rather than talk at you. If you have a genuine grievance there’s no attempt to dispute how you feel rather you feel heard, respected and valued.

Bad call

Yes, this are the ones that stay with us forever.


You call to have someone to resolve your issues. You begin explaining and then get cut off and to add insult to injury, the representative doesn’t take the time to call you back to apologize. You go right back to the start of the queuing system then explain your issue anew to someone else. By this time, you’re exasperated but the call handler instead of diffusing the situation, will irritate further by saying “if you raise your voice to me again, I will have to terminate the call”. You know the type, poorly trained who simply doesn’t want to deal with anything that forces them to work harder to resolve an issue.

Our training

The Frontline team are trained to the highest standards in managing unhappy customers and ensuring the situation is diffused and resolved. We ask open questions that encourage conversation, warmth and empathy. This comes from years of experience in call handling that we apply to your business.