When a crisis occurs, those affected may contact the emergency services as quickly as possible. However, they may also need to contact a number of different businesses and organisations.

Businesses and companies which are responsible for people’s welfare, for instance, must be able to provide an accessible service. Housing associations, for example, are responsible for numerous buildings and, therefore, the safety of their tenants.

Should an emergency occur, it’s essential that tenants can contact someone immediately. Whilst most companies don’t have the capabilities to provide an in-house 24-hour call centre service, they can benefit from outsourcing their crisis response requirements.

Of course, businesses and council-run organisations must do everything within their power to prevent any unwanted incidents from occurring. Whilst every precaution may be taken, there is always a chance that accidents could happen.

Should disaster strike, hundreds or even thousands of tenants may need support, advice and assistance. By providing a 24-hour response team, these businesses and organisations can ensure that any issues are dealt with swiftly and empathetically.

Could a telephone answering service work for your business?

Outsourced customer service can provide an effective way to handle customer queries and to respond to potential crisis situations. However, when choosing a telephone answering service, you’ll want to ensure that the team you choose are able to deliver supreme customer service, coupled with sensitivity.

Funeral call handling, for example, requires specific expertise. Understandably, callers may be extremely upset, flustered or unable to provide salient details at first. It’s vital, therefore, that your outsourced customer service team are able to take a calm and sympathetic approach when it comes to handling calls.

Similarly, a 24-hour crisis response line could be faced with distraught or fragile callers. Due to the sensitive nature of the call, responders must be able to provide reassurance, assistance and guidance.

Often, your telephone answering service will be the first point of contact for customers or clients so it’s important to strike the right tone and provide a professional response. By outsourcing your customer service, you can ensure that your business or organisation is providing round-the-clock accessibility to those in need.

To find out more about using a telephone answering service or outsourcing your customer service requirements, why not contact us today?