We’re all now well aware of the importance of body language. The way that we stand, how we move and the expressions on our faces can all have a huge impact on the way that we are perceived. Crossing your arms can be seen as closed off and unfriendly, while touching someone’s shoulder or arm lightly can help to create a positive impression – these are bits and pieces of body language psychology that we’ve all picked up.

What’s less widely known is how important body language can be, even when the person you’re talking to can’t see you on a phone call.

Because of the way our bodies work, the person on the other end of the call may be able to hear things in the way that you’re talking that indicate how you’re sitting, if you’re smiling or whether you’re walking around while you’re taking the call.

As such, it’s important to be aware of all of those things when making a phone call to someone other than a friend or family member. If your caller can hear you pacing the room it’s unlikely to make a good impression – likewise being hunched over at a desk.

Instead, sit up straight – fiddle with a pen or notepad if you need something to do with your hands – and make sure that you’re smiling. It’s easy to hear in someone’s voice if they’re smiling or not, and it can be quite touch to fake, so it’s a great way to show empathy when appropriate.

Of course, a smile isn’t always appropriate and it’s also important to think about the way you tailor your phone manner to the situation. That might mean a low, unhurried tone when speaking to someone recently bereaved rather than a bright and upbeat manner.

Funeral call handling is an area which requires the utmost discretion and empathy – and that’s exactly what staff at Frontline offer as part of their business support packages. If you’re looking for a business with great credentials to handle outsourced customer service for your funeral business, you’re in the right place. Get in touch to find out more.