Over the summer months Frontline have undergone massive changes in an effort to increase our diversity and performance.

During the recent economic downturn, we thought it would be an ideal time to invest and improve the service we currently offer to our customers, along with the everyday working life of our staff.

The problem with being a well established company, with over 10 years experience, is that technology is always improving and equipment/software becomes outdated quickly. For this reason we have overhauled all our current software, applications and servers making the following key changes:

  • new state of the art upgrades on all Call Centre software.
  • new telephone switch
  • new phone system
  • new software.

The outcome of this investment is truly extraordinary, revolutionising the way in which we work,  the speed we operate and the service we provide to our customers.

As well as making our operation easier and quicker our new state of the art equipment means we can now be considered as a truly multi-channeled Contact Centre; what this means is that our systems are geared, not only for calls (tasks), but a myriad of other channels of communication. Our systems can now deal with web chat sessions, emails and email alerts, SMS messages (in exactly the same format that we would deal with a telephone call).  The ‘tasks’ we are able to deal with are endless and any transition between ‘tasks’ is absolutely seamless!  Most importantly, recent changes mean we can now boast an average ring time of 3 seconds; just over one ring!

Whether you’re an existing customer or just interested in our services, please feel free to stop by and take a look at the exciting new changes we have made!

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