When you are the point of call in a contact centre, you are responsible for delivering top quality customer service. For funeral call handling, you are likely to come into contact with people who are grief-stricken, confused and distressed. This can make for a very high pressured and emotional phone call and it is so important to provide a professional service while displaying empathy and compassion. But how can you stay calm when the customer is so distressed? Here are three tips to help.

1. Acknowledge their feelings

It is no use to try and pretend you haven’t noticed the customer’s distress. Acknowledging their feelings creates a sense of support and trust, helping everybody involved to feel more calm and relaxed. A friendly word of support and encouragement can go a long way. During such a difficult time, people need to know that you empathise with them and will be there for them throughout the customer journey.

2. Listen carefully

When distressed, people may sob while they talk, talk quickly or pause for breath. You will need to listen extremely carefully to avoid asking the customer to repeat themselves, especially if they’re discussing something particularly difficult. By listening, you’ll get to know exactly what they want and need from you, it will take away tension and stress from the call.

3. Communicate clearly

When people are coming to terms with loss, they may find themselves in a state of shock or feeling dazed. It is therefore important to make sure you communicate clearly so that they are able to take in what you are saying. Take your time and be prepared to repeat yourself if the customer doesn’t take it all in right away. Arranging a funeral is a tiring, sensitive process for those involved, and clear communication will help keep everybody calm and focused during such an emotional time.

To ensure all your calls are handled by professionals, consider outsourced customer service. Contact Frontline today to find out more about our 24/7 telephone answering service, with staff who are trained to deal specifically with funeral call handling and customer service.